Seamless Multi-Bank Connectivity All Over the World

BankFabric supports connectivity standards for all major financial institutions, including the Swift network, putting secure, two-way global bank communication at your fingertips.

All Your Banking Functions, All In One Place

BankFabric was developed by financial experts as a flexible, configurable multi-bank connectivity solution that can handle all bank file formats and all major ERPs and corporate treasury software. As an ERP-agnostic solution, BankFabric frees you from the technical and time constraints of managing multiple financial institutions, instead enabling you to achieve greater clarity and control over your company’s accounting and treasury functions.

Unite Your Financial Institutions

Embedded multi-bank connectivity from BankFabric consolidates your financial information within your ERP or corporate treasury software.

Connecting Banking Systems Worldwide

Explore the Platform

Learn more about the technical and functional aspects of BankFabric by reviewing our frequently asked questions.

Ready to Level Up with Secure Banking Automation?

Schedule a consultation to discuss how a partnership with BankFabric will revolutionize your ERP or treasury.

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